Rams Athletics
Rockville High School
Girls Varsity Soccer
Player Bio.

Sarah Natchipolsky
Hometown: Rockville, MD
Height: 5’7”
Position: Midfielder
Birthdate: July 28, 2000
Club: Potomac Soccer Association
CLUB: Played for Fred Anderson on the Rockville Rebels for 3 years. Recently moved to the U16 Potomac Blue team coached by Jason Travis in the Club Champions League (CCL).
HIGH SCHOOL: Plays midfield on Rockville’s varsity team coached by Jason Travis. Played on JV as a freshman and scored 8 goals during the JV season, and was moved up to varsity at the end of the JV season. Also ran indoor track in the winter and outdoor track in the spring. Ran in Regionals for both indoor and outdoor track. Was awarded Coach’s Award for indoor track.
PERSONAL: Sarah Elizabeth Natchipolsky Daughter of Mike and Molly Natchipolsky and has a sister, Lilly (11)