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Rams Athletics

Rockville High School


Rams Athletics

Rockville High School

Rams Athletics

Rockville High School

Team News.

Team News

8.0 years ago @ 8:34AM

First Day of Practice for the Fall Seasons

There are no "try-outs"  for cross country.  Everyone who joins the team on Wednesday, August 10 will be on the team roster.

All paperwork, including a current physical,  will be turned - in on Tuesday, August 9. There will be a meeting, on Tuesday, August 9, at 6:00 pm.  The meeting will be held in the Rockville HS auditorium.  The purpose of the meeting is to turn in paperwork and meet the coaches.

The first day of practice is: Wednesday, August 10.  Meet on the Rockville HS track at 8:00 am.

The cross country races are 5 kilometers (3.1 miles).  All athletes should be able to run this distance without stopping by the first day of practice.  During the summer you should be training in order to build up a mileage base.  Here is a link to Hal Higdon's race training site: .  This is a link to novice training for a 10k.   If you are a more experienced runner you should be doing training similar to Hal Higdon's intermediate training program for a 10k.

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