Rams Athletics
Rockville High School
Varsity Baseball
Team News.
9.0 years ago @ 1:51AM
The indoor schedule will be as follows:
Monday, Thursday and Friday 2:30-4
Tuesday and Wednesday 5:30-7
Saturday 7-9am, 12-2(until season starts)
10.0 years ago @ 7:30AM
Today's after school activities have been canceled, therefore, tryouts are canceled for today. The practice schedule for the rest of the week will go as follows:
Wednesday, 5-7pm
Thursday, 7-9pm
Friday, 5-7pm
Saturday, TBD
If you have any questions, let me know.
Coach Riggs
10.0 years ago @ 7:31AM
The 1st tryout for the RHS baseball program will be held from 10-12pm at the Raiders Edge indoor facility. Players are expected to arrive 15 minutes early. Evaluations by coaches will take place on Saturday and Monday, with final cuts being made on Tuesday.
Each player will need a current and up to date Physical and a Student Parent Contract in order to try out. These forms can be found under the Files and Links tab on the main RHS Athletics website.
If you have any questions regarding tryouts, please feel free to contact Coach Riggs.
friggs5@hotmail.com; Farron_S_Riggs@mcpsmd.org