Rams Athletics
Rockville High School
Varsity Softball
Team News.
8.0 years ago @ 9:41AM
Due to thunderstorms, Rockville softball tryouts will now be at 6 pm today (3/1/17) in the back gym. Please arrive no later than 5:45 pm with all of your paperwork. See you there!
8.0 years ago @ 8:40AM
There will be a Rockville Softball interest meeting at 3:00 pm in Coach Merwin's room (2091) on 2/21/17 (Tuesday). Anyone who is interested in trying out for softball should attend. We will be discussing paperwork, tryouts, and the upcoming season. We will have workouts following the meeting. If you cannot make the meeting, please email Coach Quinn or see Coach Merwin to find out what you missed. Please spread the word to anyone you know who is interested. Have a great day!
8.0 years ago @ 7:52AM
Rockville Softball workouts have begun! Softball workouts happen every Tuesday and Thursday at 3:30 pm by the weight room. All girls interested in softball are encouraged to attend!
"Softball has given me so much in life. It's taught me the kind of person I want to be, and given me a sweet sisterhood." - Jennie Finch
"Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn't work hard." -Kevin Durant
"You know, softball is the other sport I do besides basketball." -LeBron James